Redcat Racing R/C Dealer Marketing Collateral: Dealer Posters
Redcat Racing R/C Dealer Marketing Collateral: Dealer Window Posters and Sidewalk Signs
Redcat now provides a complete array of window and sidewalk signage to increase store traffic and sales. Click here to see the Redcat Racing Poster and Sign library. Once you decide which one(s) you want to display, download the psd file and take it to your local printshop. After you have it printed it out and hang it up, you will be selling more Redcat than ever!
But don’t take our word for it! Product X is a Redcat Racing dealer who put up a sign and tells us, “it’s Amazing how this simple concept has increased our store traffic and sales!”
Product X
2639 Topsail Road
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland A1W 5T7 Canada
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