Adjusting Your Redcat Racing R/C Slipper Clutch
Many RC vehicles are equipped with an adjustable slipper clutch. This slipper clutch has two main purposes, the first being protection.
When adjusted properly, the slipper clutch protects the entire drive train by offering a little slip during high bursts of power or any other time the drive train is subject to shock. A good example of this would be a crash. The vehicle stops, but the motor is still trying to turn the wheels. Another example would be landing a jump with your finger on the trigger. The sudden stop in wheel spin could otherwise strip the gears.
Traction control is the second reason vehicles are equipped with an adjustable slipper clutch. High powered two wheel drive vehicles are especially prone to losing control during a quick launch off the starting line. Adjusting the slipper clutch will vary the amount of power that actually makes it to the ground. Be careful though. Setting a slipper clutch too loose could result in excess heat melting the spur gear.
To set the slipper to a good starting point, remove the body and place the vehicle on a high traction surface. Leave the battery disconnected if electric and the engine off if nitro for this step. Wearing a work glove, hold the spur gear with one hand and roll the car with the other. The slipper clutch should barely slip. If there is no slippage, loosen the nut on the slipper clutch and try again. It the vehicle rolls easily while you are holding the spur gear steady, tighten the nut and retry until a small amount of slip is achieved.
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